Sunday, September 7, 2008

First Week of Kindergarten

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Trey had a wonderful first week of school. He is excited to be there everyday, which is truly like a gift from the gods and goddesses of the universe. Looking back on our crazy summer, we are welcoming the return of routine and cooler weather.

Each Monday, Trey will be sent home with a short math homework sheet, to be completed anytime during that week. Each Friday, he'll be sent home four books to read before the end of the following week. This is very exciting. Trey is a voracious reader these days. I mean, we always read at night at bedtime, but ever since he got into the library's summer reading "contest," he now comes home and sits down to read a couple picture books front to back, all by himself. His library card is a prized possession. We currently have about 25 books checked out. We think he's going to be a lifelong lover of books. That makes us very happy.

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